A to Z Challenge

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Day 8 - Letter H

Tomorrow's a pretty crazy day for me and I'll most likely be off-line, so I'm posting my H post today!

We've got H on the table in today's Blogging from A to Z Challenge - and my topic:

The Harvard Comma

According to online sources, the Harvard comma (also know as the serial comma or Oxford comma, and sometimes referred to as the series comma) is the comma used immediately before a coordinating conjunction (usually and or or, and sometimes nor) preceding the final item in a list of three or more items.

Clear as mud? No?

Okay, here's a good example of the Harvard comma in action: a list of three countries should be punctuated as "Portugal, Spain, and France" (with the Harvard comma placed just after Spain and before the and) - not as "Portugal, Spain and France" (without the Harvard comma).

Or better yet, let's let the picture do the talking:


I’m not gonna lie, I'm a big fan of the comma in general - even more so of the Harvard comma. Probably because while tiny in stature, it serves a muey important function. Like ensuring that writers don’t fly through their writing without taking a single breath. Or, yanno, separating a series of words from one another so there isn't any confusion.

But I find it quite humorous how so many of us disagree on the proper usage of this diminuative dash...which now brings me to your opinion.

The Harvard comma (or serial comma or Oxford comma): Are you a believer?

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Day 7 - Letter G

G is up for grabs on today's Blogging from A to Z Challenge - and my topic:


I'm sure there are a million websites out there, where you can learn all about the latest new releases in book titles, share reviews of books you've read, chat with others who have similar likes, and enter contests to win the hottest upcoming reads - but there's really only one site for me, and that's Goodreads.

I'm a huge fan of this site for a number of reasons, but primarily it's to find new books to add to my TBR list. And of course - I never thought I'd say this after high school - but I absolutely love to post my book reviews, once I've read something.

As well, I've met some pretty incredible writers and friends via Goodreads - and I've found some of the best books I've ever read over there. If you're not a member yet, I'd recommend stopping by and checking it out for yourself (just click on the g icon down there to your right) - it's free! Oh, and feel free to friend me while you're at it - I'd love to hear what you're reading, and add some more great books to my TBR list!

Direct from the Goodreads website, here's a little about this gem:

What Is Goodreads?

Goodreads is the largest site for readers and book recommendations in the world. We have more than 7,500,000 members who have added more than 270,000,000 books to their shelves. A home for casual readers and bona-fide bookworms alike, Goodreads users recommend books, compare what they are reading, keep track of what they've read and would like to read, find their next favorite book, form book clubs and much more. Goodreads was launched in January 2007. 

Our Mission

Goodreads' mission is to help people find and share books they love. Along the way, we plan to improve the process of reading and learning throughout the world.

Why We Do It

Every once in a while you run into a friend who tells you about this "great new book I'm reading." And suddenly you're excited to read it. It's that kind of excitement that Goodreads is all about. 

How We Do It

Most book recommendation websites work by listing random people’s reviews. On Goodreads, when a person adds a book to the site, all their friends can see what they thought of it. It’s common sense. People are more likely to get excited about a book their friend recommends than a suggestion from a stranger. We even created an amazing algorithm that looks at your books and ratings, and helps you find other books based on what fellow Goodreads members with similar tastes enjoyed. Ultimately, it’s all based on our foundation of true-blue readers. Our members also create trivia about books, lists of the best books, post their own writing and form groups and book clubs. 

Goodreads: Are you a member? What do you use Goodreads for?

You've gotta check out my great writerly friend, Alison Miller, as she plugs along on the A to Z challenge!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Day 6 - Letter F

Day #6 and today's letter is F on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. And my topic today is:

Favorite Books

Everyone has at least one.

Me? Way too many - but that's a good thing, right? Afterall, isn't that the point of reading - hoping to find that next amazing book that you just can't put down?

My list of favorites is constantly growing - and when I look back on all the good books I've read, here are ten great books (or series) that always pop up as books I'd recommend to anyone - plus, I've included links to my reviews, if you're interested in hearing what I thought:

1. Anything by Roald Dahl:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The B.F.G.
The Witches
James and the Giant Peach
The Twits
The Enormous Crocodile
Fantastic Mr. Fox

2. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

3. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay trilogy by Suzanne Collins

4. The Divergent series by Veronica Roth

5. The Forest of Hands and Teeth, The Dead-Tossed Waves, and The Dark and Hollow Places trilogy by Carrie Ryan

6. If I Stay and Where She Went by Galye Forman

7. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

8. Unbroken by Laura Hilenbrand

9. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

10. Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler

Favorite Books - what have you read lately that will have a permanent home on your all-time favorites list? 

If you're out and about today, head on over to Jaime Morrow's website and check out her E post from yesterday on the 80's - it'll make you wonder, how did we survive that decade? 

Sarah Pearson is all about Friends, on her F post today - stop on by!

And Colin D. Smith has a Friday Fives post on his Favorite Fables - say THAT three times fast!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Day 5 - Letter E

Day #5 of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, with today's letter, E! And my topic?

E-Books vs. Real Books

This is a topic that can be divided into two teams and two teams only. I believe you're either a fan of e-books, or you're not. 

And me personally?

I just can't do it.

Yes, I have an iPad. I even have the Kindle app loaded on both of my phones. But even with all that, I can't seem to convert to an e-reader. There's just something about a real book - holding it in your hands, cracking it open for the very first time, and smelling the pages and ink. 

Maybe it's because I can't wait to have my own name printed on the cover of one. Or maybe it's just what I've grown up with - and well, I'm pretty darn stubborn and making the change to an e-reader just isn't going to happen. Or maybe it's because I believe in the traditional methods of printing and publishing - something that goes back hundreds of years. But I really think it's as simple as, I'm around technology all day: 2 cell phones, a desk phone, my iPad, and my MAC - then my laptop when I get home - so when I'm getting ready for bed and I pick up my book, the last thing I want is something that requires electricity to function. 

Whatever it is, I can promise you - I will always be a fan of real books. And I will always collect the hard cover editions of all my favorites - even if it means giving up a bedroom to turn it into a library. I'm a real book kind of girl - always have been, and always will be...as long as they keep printing them. Good thing I have that library of mine, just in case.

E-Books vs. Real Books - Which side are you on and why?

Here are some great blogs to check out on the A to Z journey:

My great writerly friend, Huntress, over at Spirit Called is doing a fantabulous movie quote theme - check it out!

Suzanne Lieurance and I have managed to have the same topics - we think great minds think alike!

The beautiful and talented Katy Upperman has been hitting the nail right on the head with all of her posts so far - you've gotta check out yesterday's D post for Delusions!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Day 4 - Letter D

Day #4 and the letter D, on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. And my topic?

Deadlines and DONATE!!!

Holy bajolly, Batman! I originally wrote this post to discuss deadlines, so we'll of course start with that first. But keep reading below, as I've just come across something pretty darn cool, and it's all about donating books to teens - so it fits perfectly with today's letter!

Eh-em. Now on to our originally scheduled post: Deadlines.

Every writer knows, there comes a point when you need to stop kanoodling that manuscript. It's time to reign it all in. The moment has come when you need to focus on the next steps. But let's back up a moment.

While we all know we can re-write our stories and second guess the paths our characters take, a million times - why not help yourself in the long run, by setting deadlines up front?

Before you sit down to write that next chapter - have you thought about your long term goals on where you even want to take this story? Do you have any idea what you'll do, once you've written that last line?

Setting yourself up for success in the beginning, not only makes the journey getting there all the better - but it also gives you something to look forward to. But start out small. Make tiny goals for yourself and set realistic deadlines. Then tie rewards to each one. For instance: Tell yourself you're going to take one week to finish that initial draft of your outline - then on the 7th day, you're going to the book store to buy a new book. Or a new Moleskin journal. Or, ohhh, a fancy new pen. 

But it all starts with setting deadlines for yourself. Because if you're anything like me, you can talk yourself into or out of, anything. And if I don't have a deadline to compete against, then unfortunately, anything bright and shiny that floats by, will have my attention (just call me Dora, from Finding Nemo).

I'm a pretty competitive person by nature - so I've found that setting deadlines and striving to achieve them, really speaks to my alter-Dora ego. And well, a writer can never have too many Moleskin journals, right?

Deadlines - do you set them for yourself? What do you use for rewards?

Now on to the something cool part! I was just over at Jessica Love's website - a wonderful writerly friend of mine - and saw that she's participating in something called Rock the Drop...and what exactly is that you might ask? (Don't be ashamed, I had to ask, too!).

Well, the amazing peeps over at Readergirlz and Figment are hosting the Rock the Drop book event, to support Teen Lit Day on 4/12/12.

All you need to do, is print a copy of the bookplate over there to the right and insert it into a new or gently used book (or 10!).

On April 12th, drop the book(s) (with the bookplate inside) in a public spot - park bench, bus seat, restaurant counter - you get the idea! Snap a picture of your dropped book to share on the Readergirlz facebook page - then tweet the drop at #rockthedrop with all the other lovers of YA books. 

And voila! Lucky finders will see that the new book they've found, is part of ROCK THE DROP!

What a great way to share a YA book with others and help support Teen Lit Day!

A big thanks to Jessica for sharing this wonderful cause - I'll definitely be supporting it, won't you join me?

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Day 3 - Letter C

Day #3 and the letter C on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge...and my topic is:

Critique Partners

I have some truly amazing critique partners. Seriously. 

Most have been around for a few years, while a couple are more recent - but regardless of our time together, they are all still amazing. 

If you're a writer, then you already know the importance of a good critique partner - and even more so, how a good one is hard to find. And if you're just getting started on sharing your manuscript with others, here are my top 5 reasons why my CP's have been invaluable to me:

1. Each one of my CP's is an actual writer themselves (vs. a relative or friend), and we're all pretty close in the timeline of where we are with our writing and the road to publication.
2. While everyone has a full plate, they all give willingly of their time and expertise - but it's reciprocal, and I owe it to them to do the same for their stories. Lately, I could definitely take note of this point, as I've been slacking on my CP duties!
3. This one's a tough one - but each CP knows when I need the hard truth and when I need to hear encouragement, and they make the encouragement sound like honest praise. None of them comment, just to comment and nothing is said with a spiteful tongue.
4.  They're great for brainstorming new ideas. Sometimes that brilliant idea you have in your head, isn't so brilliant when you flush it out with your CP's - and sometimes, it gets even better!
5. They are my friends - and while I've only met one of them in person - they all care about me and what challenges I face on the long journey of becoming published. I will have no issue calling each one of my CP's out by name, at the back of my book in my acknowledgement section - cause yes, they have been that helpful!

There are many great resources out there, on finding the right CP for you - but here's a post I wrote last year, on an amazing writerly group I belong to, The Write Brained Network. I also happen to spearhead their YA group - YAwesome Writers, where we have a pretty fantastic critique group set up for those writing in the YA / MG genre. Hop on over if you're interested - the more, the merrier!

Critique Partners - what are your thoughts? Do you have any you just couldn't live without?