First Lines

Friday Fives: Five (er...10) Favorite First Lines

My recipe for what I'm sure is going to be a great weekend:
- Gorgeous, sunny day here in Seattle - check!
- No rain in sight for d.a.y.s. (oh, God, I may have just jinxed it...oh please no!) - fingers crossed check!
- No work for 48 hours straight. Huh. When you put it that way, it just doesn't seem right. None-the-less, check!
- I bought me some PowerBall tickets - it's $133 meeel-e-un dollaaars (muwahaha!) - that's almost $70 cool mil, if you take the cash lump sum. I believe an offshore account somewhere in the Grand Caymans or Switzerland, is standing at the ready with my name on it. (Someone's gotta win it and I've been practicing REALLY hard!) - that's a seriously BIG CHECK!!! 
- And today's PaperHanger Friday Five topic? Five Favorite First Lines! Total check!