Writing Challenge

My NaNoWriMo Challenge...And A Torn Calf Muscle, To Boot!


I have a walking cast and crutches, I'd like to personally thank - but more on that, below.


2010 brought with it, my first attempt at the NaNoWriMo challenge. For those of you who don't know what that incredibly long acronym stands for - it's the National Novel Writing Month competition - where writers from around the world, are challenged to write 50,000 words, during the thirty days of November.


That's right - a 50,000 word novel, in just 30 days.



That's what I first thought, when I set out to take this challenge head on. It didn't help, that I entered into the contest, having just spent almost 9 weeks with the most amazing bout of writer's block, I'd ever experienced in the four plus years I've been writing.

And so I sat for the first few days, staring at a blank page on my computer screen. Waiting. Hoping. And downright pleading that some form of inspiration would strike.

But it didn't.

For the entire first week of the month, I sat there and was unable to type more than a few words here and there. I wasn't able to blog, tweet, or really even draft up a legible email. And to make matters worse, I'd severely torn my calf muscle at one of my CrossFit workouts that same week - and was house bound with one of the most beautiful walking boots, that would make even Christian Louboutin jealous...and let's not forget, the lovely matching crutches (should I mention they were kids crutches? Yeah, evidently the adult ones, were too tall for me).

Seriously - nothing like striking a women, while she's already down.

Sleeping with my foot propped up on a bunch of pillows - it suddenly hit me. Okay, maybe being blindsided in my sleep, at 2:45am one Tuesday morning, is a better way to put it.

I immediately jumped out of bed - practically launching the cat who'd fallen asleep on my foot, across the room - and hobbled as fast as I could, to my computer. And I started writing. And writing...and I wrote, until I heard my alarm go off for me to get ready for work that day (which completely sucked, by the way).

But who was I to complain? I was finally writing again - and chalked up over 5,000 words that night alone.


And two and half weeks later, I crossed the finish line, with 52,770 words - almost 3k more than the goal, and two days ahead of the deadline.


And the best part is? I'm still going! In fact, I think I'll be finished with my entire first draft, in the next week or so - which just blows me away. Especially considering where I was, just three weeks ago.

So in the end, I owe a big thanks to my lovely walking boot and crutches.

Because of them, I was forced to sit down and put fingers to keyboard.

And because of them I have an almost completed WIP.

Thanks, NaNoWriMo for the awesome challenge! I look forward to next November, when we meet again.

Here's hoping I won't need to severely injure myself, to kick my muse into gear.

September Writing Challenge - Are YOU Game?


What's Your Writing Goal?


I recently joined a fabulous on-line writers group: The Write Brained Network, which I'm absolutely loving! 

Every month, they start a new discussion called WordWatcher's, where anyone who wants to participate, sets a writing goal - be it number of words for the month, by week, day, amount of time, etc. - it doesn't matter how you measure it, only that you do in some way and that you actually try to obtain it. 

Last month, I started to do this on my own (it was before I'd joined the WB Network). And it wasn't about cramming to get as many words on the page - but instead, it was all about working towards a realistic goal of getting quality words into my WIP (work in progress, for those that might not be aware of that acronym). Setting a goal, striving for it, then finally achieving it - it equates to the same feeling of finally checking off one of your "To-Do's" on the long list of To-Do's (for all of you "list" people, you know exactly what I'm talking about...and I know you're out there!).  

Besides, who would I be, if I didn't compete against myself?

So, with that - here are my stats for August:

Week of 8.1 - 8.8: 4,548 
Week of 8.9 - 8.15: 6,091
Week of 8.16 - 8.22: 15,849 (12,877 completed just between that Saturday, to Sunday night)
Week of 8.23 - 8.29:  8,617

Total Word Count for August: 35,105

Now granted, the third week of August was something of a phenomenon for me - especially to hit almost 13k in just TWO days! But who am I to argue with my muse, when she finally decides to pop in for a visit? Truly, this is something that's only happened three times this year...to be able to write without wanting to stop. Not even wanting to get up for food - and having to be reminded by my fabulous critique partner, to not forget my day to day job of living (and yes, a BIG thank you to Heidi - my CP - for sending email reminders to actually pry my fingers away from the computer every once in awhile!). It was the thought that I'd become one of "
those writers"that finally got me up - well that, and I really had to use the restroom!


Either way, I blew my writing goal out of the water...in fact, I pretty much quadrupled it. 

Considering the huge success August was for me - what is a realistic goal to set for September, you might ask?

Well - again, I'd like to make sure that I'm not just writing down words, just for the sake of writing them down...but instead, I'd like to see if I can continue to keep my muse entertained enough, to stick around for the next several weeks. So, my writing goal for September is going to be 10,000 words / week. Still way up there, as far as I'm concerned...but hopefully obtainable, considering my efforts last month.


And with that, I ask you - what's your writing goal for September? What are you going to attempt to achieve this month - and how will you do it? Come on, I know you're thinking about it! 

I'll post my updates every week, as I go: 

9.1 - 9.7: 4,926 - 5,074 short of my weekly 10k goal...but I'll make it up before the end of the month!
9.8 - 9.14: 
9.15 - 9.21:

9.22 - 9.28:


Are you ready?