Writer's Campaign

First Campaigner Challenge: Flash Fiction

It's time for our first Campaigner Challenge! And what's on the docket you might ask? Well, Rachel has come up with a doozy:

Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, including a poem - but the kicker is, the story must begin with the words, “The door swung open” (these four words will be included in the word count).

And for an added challenge (optional), use the same beginning words and end with the words: "the door swung shut." (also included in the word count)

For those who want an even greater challenge, make your story 200 words EXACTLY!

Entries in the First Campaigner Challenge will close on Friday, September 9th (at 11.59pm EDT).


Yikes. I've never done flash fiction before, and with good reason. I mean, I only get 200 words? Come on! I'm lucky to tell a whole story in 80,000 words, let alone, 200.

This should be interesting. 

So, without further adieu, here's the 200 words (yes, I hit 200 on the dot) I conjured up this morning:

DAMN YANKEE (Post #54 in the Challenge)

The door swung open. And practically whacked me on the ass in the process, as I knelt, scrubbing the floor clean of muddy boot prints. I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the millionth time, as I slung the wet rag over the rim of the bucket, rung my hands dry on the folds of my dress, and stood.

That damn door and its stupid lock. Why be called a lock if you weren’t gonna do your job?

Then again, I was the one that pretty much blew it clear off when I was aiming for his head, but missed. And instead, all I’ve got is splintered shards of wood and a gaping hole, a metal concoction of a lock hanging on for dear life, and a door that won’t stay closed.

Damn Yankee.

If it were his way, we’d be hitched with four kids and I’d be barefoot in the kitchen, cleanin’ somethin’. And then I realized as I looked down at my feet: I was barefoot in the kitchen, cleanin’.

With a curse and a final glare, I gave it a swift kick - and finally, it did what it was supposed to.

The door swung shut.


To read all of the other submits in the first Campaigner Challenge (and believe me, they're amazing!), head on over to Rach Writes to check them out!